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Muhidini Saidi Nalinga

Muhidini Saidi Nalinga

 Years Old
Secretary at Zima AMCOSS

My name is Muhidini Saidi Nalinga, aged 39, with five children and two wives. My primary occupation is cashew nut farming, alongside cultivating other crops like rice, peanuts, and sesame. Additionally, I serve as the secretary of the Zima Amcoss primary cooperative society and the general secretary of the association that closely collaborates with Mama Cashew. During the 2023 season, all cashew nuts from Zima Amcoss were purchased by Mama Cashew, and we sold them under the Fairtrade system, where a portion of the proceeds is returned to the cooperative for community development projects and operational activities.

I am delighted to sell cashew nuts to Mama Cashew because of the benefits it brings. The fairtrade system ensures that a portion of the buyer's gratitude returns to the cooperative, enabling us to plan various development projects such as constructing warehouses, providing aid to villages for community development, and supporting cooperative operations. Recently, we sought assistance from Listram Commodities through Mama Cashew to donate roofing sheets to Mnaweni Primary School for construction purposes, and the company graciously changed the donation to roofing sheets to help complete the school. Moreover, we can continue contributing to health projects using the buyer's gratitude funds.

Personally, when I receive the buyer's gratitude funds, I plan to increase production on my farm to improve my income. Additionally, it will support my developmental activities such as educating my children, building houses, and engaging in other livelihood projects like raising goats, cows, ducks, and chickens. I also intend to transition from conventional farming to organic farming, as Mama Cashew provides education on the proper use of inputs to prevent adverse effects on farmers and consumers.

Initially, Zima Amcoss used to sell cashew nuts through auctions, which I found less beneficial compared to selling to Mama Cashew directly under the Fairtrade system, Mama Cashew provides stable prices and works closely with farmers to address their challenges. In contrast, auction sales offer less support to farmers during market fluctuations. What I appreciate most about doing business with Mama Cashew is the relationship. The close relationship between farmers and Mama Cashew means that whenever a farmer faces challenges, it's easy to communicate with them and find solutions together.

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